The Template Cache Transformer generates the template cache and optionally merges the CSS and HTML of AngularDart components into a hosting Web page. This substantially speeds up the Web page loading by eliminating the need for the browser to make multiple server requests for downloading component dependencies.

Getting Started

  1. Add template_cache_transformer to the dev_dependencies of your AngularDart application:

      template_cache_transformer: any
  2. Add template_cache_transformer to the transformers list and specify entry_point setting for the transformer. It should point to your index.html file:

    - template_cache_transformer:
        entry_point: my_app|web/index.html (1)
    1 Note, entry_point must be provided in AssetId format, more on this read below.
  3. Run pub get to download just added dependencies:

    $ pub get
    Resolving dependencies...
    + template_cache_transformer 0.1.0
    Downloading template_cache_transformer 0.1.0...
    Changed 1 dependency!
  4. Run pub build. When the build completes you should be able to find file template_cache.generated.html inside build/web/ directory. The generated cache should be also inserted in the HTML page you specified as the entry point right before closing </head> tag.

    Make sure you have at least one AngularDart component in your application which uses templateUrl or cssUrl property to reference a file, otherwise template_cache.generated.html file will be empty. Example:

        selector: 'toggle-button',
        templateUrl: 'packages/my_app/components/toggle_button.html')
    class ToggleButton {

How It Works?

The template cache transformer internally runs in two phases: TemplateCacheGenerator and TemplateCacheWriter:

Phase 1 (TemplateCacheGenerator):
  1. Transformer finds the entry point of Dart application (main() function) and traverses the entire AST looking for AngularDart’s @Component annotations.

  2. For each @Component annotation it collects URIs referenced by templateUrl and cssUrl properties.

  3. Then it reads assets referenced by the collected URIs and wraps the content of each asset into a <template> tag representing a template cache entry.

  4. All cache entries created on the previous step are concatenated and written in a newly created asset - web/template_cache.generated.html.

Phase 2 (TemplateCacheWriter, runs only if entry_point is specified in pubspec.yaml):
  1. Reads web/template_cache.generated.html asset generated in the phase 1 and inserts its content into an HTML page specified by entry_point setting in pubspec.yaml right before closing </head> tag.

Configuration Options


Optional. Transformer uses static code analyzer which requires to know the path to Dart SDK to resolve Dart libraries. In most cases you don’t need to specify this setting, Dart SDK is discovered automatically. But in rare cases transformer is not able to find Dart SDK (please, see discussion here), to workaround this issue you can explicitly specify path using this setting.


Optional. Use to specify an entry point of your application. It must be a string referencing an HTML page. Usually it is index.html. The value must be provided in an AssetId format. Example: my_app|web/index.html, where my_app is the package name of your application. In future versions you should be able to specify only the path part.


Why asset can’t be found?

Sometimes you may see warning messages similar to this:

[Warning from TemplateCacheGenerator]:
Can't find asset lib/components/toggle_button.css.

This may happen if the specified asset should be produced by some other transformer. For example if you reference CSS files in your @Component annotations, but actually uses LESS files for your stylesheets. Then LESS Transformer should be run before the Template Cache Transformer to make it work properly.

Why Dart SDK can’t be found?

Sometimes you may see error messages similar to this:

Error on line 8, column 3 of pubspec.yaml: Error loading transformer: Illegal argument(s): sdkDirectory must be provided.
- template_cache_transformer

To workaround the issue explicitly specify dart_sdk option for the transformer. Please read more about this above.

Why entry point is optional?

If entry point is specified generated template cache will be inserted into the main HTML page. But it’s not necessarily the desired behavior. Sometimes you may want to load generated HTML file manually to control place and moment where and when to insert cached templates.